Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Q: Is there hunting on Mayne Island?

A:Though hunting regulations have recently changed (see Min. of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife branch for specific info), be aware that there is no crown land on Mayne. It is mostly residential with a few large parcels of that fall within the guidelines. Hunting can only take place with the written permission of the landowner, who has the right to refuse. Hunting cannot take place in densely residential areas, near public buildings, roadways, in parks or on First Nations land. Provincial guidelines are strictly enforced. If there is a NO trespassing/NO hunting sign put up by a landowner, this must be obeyed.

Q: Do hunters hunt at night?

A: Absolutely not. There is no shooting after sun down.

Q: What do I do if I hear gunshots at night or nearby?

A: If you are unsure whether the shot came from a licensed hunter on owner permitted land, call the RCMP and the Conservation Office to report a concern. Poaching does occur on Mayne Island.

RCMP non emergency line: 1 250 629 6171

Conservation Office: 1-877-952-7277 - For general inquiry: 1-250-751-3100

Q: What do I do if I see an injured or dead animal on Mayne Island?

A: Injured/dead animal: Call Mainroad 1-877-391-7310

Q: Can I buy Mayne Fallow Deer meat on Mayne Island?

A: It is illegal to buy or sell deer meat; however, it can be gifted.

Please contact the Ministry of FLNR (Forests, Lands and Natural Resources) for further information. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Website

Q: Are Fallow Deer friendly?

A: No, they are more timid than the native Black Tail deer and more unpredictable with their behavior especially at rutting season. They travelled in groups and are skittish.

Q: Should I feed deer?

A: Please, do not feed the deer.

Q: Where can I see some Fallow Deer on Mayne Island?

A: Currently there are many in Bennett Bay area

Bennett Bay area. This way they may move to larger areas where they can be hunted.

More questions, comments or for more information contact: email here!